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Start page for registered users of the English language group
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Welcome to the Simutrans Wiki - Registered users' page

Simutrans is a freeware and open-source transportation simulation game. Your goal is to establish a successful transport company. Transport passengers, mail and goods by rail, road, ship and air. Interconnect cities, districts, public buildings, industries and tourist attractions by building the transport network you always dreamed of.

You can control and watch your finances and the traffic of your vehicles and goods. Play as long as you like. Start in 1880 and finish in 2050. There will be new vehicles and buildings throughout this time. Cities will grow and merge forming metropolises.

Play against the AI or on your own. Or play online with your friends or other Simutrans players.

Help us edit this wiki

This is the start page for registered users that have set English as their main language. It also serves as fallback for those who have set a first language for which there currently exists no language group. If more groups dedicated to other languages are needed, they can be added upon request.

As a registered user you can create new pages, update existing pages, translate existing pages into other languages... Your help is appreciated!
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There are currently 39 users (of a total of 176 registered users) that have registered themselves as speakers (either primary or secondary) of English.

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176 users registered

Registered users by language:

No Code Lang. No Code Lang. No Code Lang.
67  de   German  1  cn  Simplified Chinese 2  ru  Russian
39  en  English 0  tw  Traditional Chinese  0  da   Danish
13  fr  French 8  pt-br   Brazilian Portuguese  7  cs  Czech
3  ja  Japanese 8  pt  Portuguese 1  pl  Polish
1  no  Norwegian  1  el  Greek 3  sv  Swedish
1  hu  Hungarian 5  nl  Dutch 34  es  Spanish
2  fi  Finnish 5  en-uk   English British  3  it  Italian
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Contributors to this page: Frank , An_dz and mamingxue1 .
Page last modified on Tuesday March 7, 2017 23:46:00 CET by Frank.

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