The button size was increased to 40x40 pixels and the color was changed. The themes were removed from the set and added to the program. Due to changed installation paths, it is not certain whether the theme will always be available. But the theme needs the new button size because Simutrans cannot scale the 40 buttons cleanly down to 32 size. The reason for changing the button size is the touch operation on tables and the like as well as the visibility on screens with high resolutions.
Due to the now very high number of buttons, some menus have been restructured. This is intended to ensure that more space remains visible on the map on small screens. If you don't like the new menu structure, you can rename the file to in the pak64.german/config folder. Unfortunately, Simutrans currently does not support menu selection in the program itself.
There are several new script tools for querying passenger data at the stations.
There is a new script tool in some build menus that replaces bridges with newer ones. The prerequisite is that the paths at the ends of the bridge have a higher speed than the existing bridge and a faster bridge is available. There are restrictions when stations are in play. There should also be no vehicles on the bridge during use.
There is a general limitation of script tools, they do not work in network play. The buttons/dialog are there, but they don't work when you click on them.
Suggestions for translations can be made here in the wiki or on the pak64.german-translation page.
If you have any questions or problems, you can post to the forums or use the contact options here on the wiki or
recommended font settings for the normal theme
- Font size: 17
- Font: Microsoft YaHei (msyabd.ttc)
Changes since
- CHG: BR_612_xxx gear
- REM: remove themes, add simutrans program
- CHG: Mercedes_Lo2000_catg7 data
- ADD: stop_halt_as_scheduled = 1
- ADD: loading time vehicles
- CHG: A300-600, A310-200, 727-100, 747-200 and 757-300 add post
- ADD: Buessing_B8000_catg6
- ADD: anhaenger_catg6
- REM: SOJO_pw2_tram
- ADD: Pferdebahn_Doebelnerwagen, Pferdebahn_Goerlitzerwagen from pumuckl999
- CHG: Pferdebahn_Berlinerwagen new image from pumuckl999
- CHG: new menu organization
- CHG: theme button size 40px
- CHG: Seeschiff_Oel_1894 running_cost
- ADD: tram stop 3TramBusStop
- FIX: catg7_Anhaenger_6 freight image Hopfen
- CHG: restructuring menus (old menus ->
- ADD: Script tool check passenger stations unhappy
- ADD: Script tool waiting more then 80% passenger
- CHG: Script tool upgrade bridge (not finish - upgrade by multi tile stations)
- CHG: BR85 running_cost
ADD = added | CHG = changed | FIX = bug fix | REM = removed
Last wiki comments