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FrankP 1041 (100.0%) 0 (0.0%) 734 (100.0%) 0 (0.0%) 15567 (100.0%) 0 (0.0%) 8283 (100.0%) 0 (0.0%)
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Welcome to the Simutrans Wiki - Registered users'&nbsp;page<a href="#Welcome_to_the_Simutrans_Wiki_-_Registered_users_page" class="heading-link"><span class="icon icon-link link" ><img src="img/icons/link.png" alt="link"></span></a>

Simutrans is a freeware and open-source transportation simulation game. Your goal is to establish a successful transport company. Transport passengers, mail and goods by rail, road, ship and air. Interconnect cities, districts, public buildings, industries and tourist attractions by building the transport network you always dreamed of.

You can control and watch your finances and the traffic of your vehicles and goods. Play as long as you like. Start in 1880 and finish in 2050. There will be new vehicles and buildings throughout this time. Cities will grow and merge forming metropolises.

warning&nbsp;Konnte das &quot;users_rank&quot;-Modul nicht ausführen
Required features: feature_score. If you do not have permission to activate these features, ask the site administrator.

Play against the AI or on your own. Or play online with your friends or other Simutrans players.

Help us edit this&nbsp;wiki<a href="#Help_us_edit_this_wiki" class="heading-link"><span class="icon icon-link link" ><img src="img/icons/link.png" alt="link"></span></a>

This is the start page for registered users that have set English as their main language. It also serves as fallback for those who have set a first language for which there currently exists no language group. If more groups dedicated to other languages are needed, they can be added upon request.

As a registered user you can create new pages, update existing pages, translate existing pages into other languages... Your help is appreciated!

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There are currently 39 users (of a total of 176 registered users) that have registered themselves as speakers (either primary or secondary) of English.

  • <a href="en_Index" title="English Home" class="wiki wiki_page">English Index page</a>
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Tikiwiki version 5.0alpha is now available online (the old version 2.4 is still available
<a class="wiki external" target="_blank" title="External link" href="" rel="external nofollow">here</a>) - In version 5.0alpha, a lot has changed. Among other things, expected in graphic tags (img) no longer contain blank parameter.

  • <a href="en_TikiwikiEditing" title="en_TikiwikiEditing" class="wiki wiki_page">How to create a Wiki article</a>
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  • <a href="tiki-editpage.php?page=en_TranslateTikiwiki" title="Seite erstellen: en_TranslateTikiwiki" class="wiki wikinew text-danger tips"> How to translate a TikiWiki page</a>
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On TikiWiki:

  • <a class="wiki external" target="_blank" title="External link" href=";page=Wiki" rel="external nofollow">What is a Wiki?</a>
  • <a class="wiki external" target="_blank" title="External link" href="" rel="external nofollow">Using Wiki Pages</a>
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Die letzten Wiki-Kommentare

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  1. <a class="linkmodule tips" href="en_Simutrans_repo_deb?comzone=show#threadId=1088" title=" 09.05.2023 08:21| von gk">
    Ubuntu 22.04.2

  2. <a class="linkmodule tips" href="en_Simutrans_repo_deb?comzone=show#threadId=1087" title=" 07.02.2023 19:20| von ArDor">
    Linux Mint 21.1

  3. <a class="linkmodule tips" href="en_Simutrans_repo_deb?comzone=show#threadId=1086" title=" 22.11.2021 15:11| von Green">

  4. <a class="linkmodule tips" href="en_Simutrans_repo_deb?comzone=show#threadId=1085" title=" 22.11.2021 05:50| von Green">
    Installation report

  5. <a class="linkmodule tips" href="de_VehicleDef?comzone=show#threadId=1084" title=" 19.05.2021 13:41| von Geotrans">

  6. <a class="linkmodule tips" href="de_tikiwiki_hilfe_index?comzone=show#threadId=1083" title=" 01.05.2021 03:39| von NoLet">
    Bing Boom

  7. <a class="linkmodule tips" href="de_tikiwiki_hilfe_index?comzone=show#threadId=1082" title=" 26.04.2021 02:53| von vfEmaws">
    Get Top AOL

  8. <a class="linkmodule tips" href="de_FactoryDef?comzone=show#threadId=1081" title=" 06.04.2021 14:33| von Geotrans">
    bei separate_halt_capacities=1 wird wenn nichts definiert nur Lagerkapazität für Waren bereitgestellt.

  9. <a class="linkmodule tips" href="en_Simutrans_repo_deb?comzone=show#threadId=1080" title=" 26.11.2020 21:57| von Frank">
    aw: Installation issues on ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS

  10. <a class="linkmodule tips" href="en_Simutrans_repo_deb?comzone=show#threadId=1079" title=" 22.11.2020 00:27| von Nicolas Metayer">
    Installation issues on ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS

  11. <a class="linkmodule tips" href="en_Simutrans_repo_deb?comzone=show#threadId=1078" title=" 24.09.2020 23:37| von Jim Fergusson">
    Ubuntu 20.04.1

  12. <a class="linkmodule tips" href="en_Goods?comzone=show#threadId=1076" title=" 15.08.2020 01:56| von christine">
    Untitled Friday August 14, 2020 00:00:00 PDT

  13. <a class="linkmodule tips" href="de_openSUSE?comzone=show#threadId=737" title=" 29.10.2019 17:34| von Frank">


  14. <a class="linkmodule tips" href="de_openSUSE?comzone=show#threadId=735" title=" 11.08.2019 23:16| von Robert Josef Gödl">
    Untitled Montag August 12, 2019 00:00:00 CEST

  15. <a class="linkmodule tips" href="de_Simutrans_repo_deb?comzone=show#threadId=734" title=" 24.06.2019 09:55| von Fergusson">


USER STATISTICS<a href="#USER_STATISTICS" class="heading-link"><span class="icon icon-link link" ><img src="img/icons/link.png" alt="link"></span></a>

176 users registered

Registered users by language:

No Code Lang. No Code Lang. No Code Lang.
67  &nbsp;de&nbsp; &nbsp;German&nbsp; &nbsp;cn &nbsp;Simplified Chinese &nbsp;ru &nbsp;Russian
39  &nbsp;en &nbsp;English &nbsp;tw &nbsp;Traditional Chinese&nbsp; &nbsp;da&nbsp; &nbsp;Danish
13  &nbsp;fr &nbsp;French &nbsp;pt-br&nbsp; &nbsp;Brazilian Portuguese&nbsp; &nbsp;cs &nbsp;Czech
&nbsp;ja &nbsp;Japanese &nbsp;pt &nbsp;Portuguese &nbsp;pl &nbsp;Polish
&nbsp;no &nbsp;Norwegian&nbsp; &nbsp;el &nbsp;Greek &nbsp;sv &nbsp;Swedish
&nbsp;hu &nbsp;Hungarian &nbsp;nl &nbsp;Dutch 34  &nbsp;es &nbsp;Spanish
&nbsp;fi &nbsp;Finnish &nbsp;en-uk&nbsp; &nbsp;English British&nbsp; &nbsp;it &nbsp;Italian

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