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Simutrans version

Getting Startedlink

From the new world dialog you are able change the parameters that will determine the chacteristics of the map to be created for a new game. Also, in the top left corner of the screen is a dialog to select which language to use.

close window open help window map number input field map number smaller map number higher map width input field map width narrower map width wider map height input field map height lower map height higher map preview change map number open Load Height Map dialogue No. of Cities input field fewer cities more cities Median Citizens per City input field Median Citizens per City smaller Median Citizens per City higher Intercity Road Length input field Intercity Road Length shorter Intercity Road Length longer Traffic Density input field Traffic Density smaller Traffic Density higher Industry Chains input field fewer industry chains more industry chains Electricity output input field Electricity output smaller Electricity output higher Tourist attraction input field fewer tourist attractions more tourist attractions Timeline enabled/disabled starting year input field starting year earlier starting year later player change enabled/disabled open Settings dialogue open Climate dialogue open Load game dialogue open Load scenario dialogue start game Quit Simutrans

  • Map Number will determine the 'layout' of the map, including amount and placement of water, hills, trees, city locations and industry locations. A preview is shown for each map. The default map number is 33.
  • Size will determine how big the map will be. This ranges from 128x128 to 4096x4096 squares. Default value is 256.

  • No. of Cities will determine how many cities are placed on the map. This ranges from 2 cities to 64. Default value is 16 cities.
  • Median Citizens per Town will determine the average number of people inhabiting each town. Default value is 1600
  • Intercity Road Len will determine the length of roads connecting cities at the start of the game. The default setting is 800. A larger number means a greater inter connectivity
  • Traffic Density will determine how many private cars will be driving around in the cities. The default setting is 8. A higher number means less traffic, and a lower number more. (!) If it is set to 0, traffic is turned off.

  • Factories Outside Cities will dermine the number of factories initially in the world. Default value is 6
  • Markets In Cities will determine the number of industries operating within the cities. Default value is 0
  • Tourist Attractions will determine the number of attractive places for people to see. Default value is 12

The Random map button will select a random map number. This does not change any other settings you have set.

Use Timeline From Year will Enforce the introduction dates of vehicles, transport systems & buildings. Default is off

Allow Player Change will Allow the player to switch between his company, to the public entity or A.I. Players

The Load button allows you to choose from a previously saved game to play.

The Start game button will start a new game with all the parameters that's you have set.


Climate settingslink

With the climate settings dialogue, you specify the type of map you wish to play on.

close window open help window water level input field water level smaller water level higher mountain height input field mountain height smaller mountain height higher map roughness input field map roughness smaller Map roughness higher winter snowline input field winter snowline smaller winter snowline higher desert climate input field desert climate smaller desert climate higher tropical climate input field tropical climate smaller tropical climate higher mediterranean climate input field mediterranean climate smaller mediterranean climate higher temperate climate input field temperate climate smaller temperate climate higher tundra input field tundra smaller tundra higher alpine climate input field alpine climate smaller alpine climate higher trees enabled/disabled number of rivers input field number of rivers smaller number of rivers higher river minimum length input field river minimum length smaller river minimum length higher river maximum length input field river maximum length smaller river maximum length higher

  • Water Level will determine how high the level of water will be. The lower the level the more land will appear, and vice-versa. The default setting is 4.
  • Mountain Height will determine the height of the highest mountain on the map. Default value is 160.
  • Map Roughness setting determines how smooth the map will be, the lower the number the less little hills and ditches. This ranges from 1 to 3. The default setting is 2.


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Contributors to this page: Frank , IgorEliezer and system .
Page last modified on Thursday May 11, 2017 00:32:04 CEST by Frank.

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