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Special colors for Simutrans objects

Color marked with * were introduced in Simutrans version 0.99.09.

Background color

0xE7FFFF 231 255 255

This is the background color of the graphic arts files. This color is shown transparent in the game.

Player's colors


0x244B67 036 075 103
0x395E7C 057 094 124
0x4C7191 076 113 145
0x6084A7 096 132 167
0x7497BD 116 151 189
0x88ABD3 136 171 211
0x9CBEE9 156 190 233
0xB0D2FF 176 210 255


0x7B5803 123 088 003
0x8E6F04 142 111 004
0xA18605 161 134 005
0xB49D07 180 157 007
0xC6B408 198 180 008
0xD9CB0A 217 203 010
0xECE20B 236 226 011
0xFFF90D 255 249 013

These colors are substituted in the game with the player's colors.


Day & night colors

0x7F9BF1 127 155 241
0x80C3D3 128 195 211
0xFFFF53 255 255 083
0xFFFF53 255 255 083
0xFF211D 255 033 029
0xFF211D 255 033 029
0x01DD01 001 221 001
0x01DD01 001 221 001
0x4D4D4D 077 077 077
0xD3C380 211 195 128
0x57656F 087 101 111
0xD3C380 211 195 128
0xC1B1D1 193 177 209
0xD3C380 211 195 128
0xE3E3FF 227 227 255
0xFFFFE3 255 255 227
0xFF017F 255 001 127
0xFF017F 255 001 127
0x0101FF 001 001 255
0x0101FF 001 001 255

These colors shine as the night comes in Simutrans. Resultant color is shown at the right table.


0x6B6B6B 107 107 107
0x9B9B9B 155 155 155
0xB3B3B3 179 179 179
0xC9C9C9 201 201 201
0xDFDFDF 223 223 223

These colors don't get darker as the night comes in Simutrans.

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Contributors to this page: Frank , An_dz , Max-Max , IgorEliezer and system .
Page last modified on Thursday May 11, 2017 11:18:58 CEST by Frank.

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