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Settings in the DAT files of symbolslink (72.20 Kb)

obj object type symbol exactly this text
Name object name Used in testing_page exactly name from symbols
Image[0] Graphic arts of the symbol Picture information

Symbols of the seasonslink

obj object type symbol exactly this text
Name object name Seasons exactly this text
Image[0] Graphics for summer Picture information
Image[1] Graphics for autumn Picture information
Image[2] Graphics for winter Picture information
Image[3] Graphics for spring Picture information

The big start logo has a size of 256 x to 256 pixels. Because it is composed from 4 parts, it must be provided as a PAK128 file.

obj object type symbol exactly this text
Name object name BigLogo exactly this text
Image[0] Graphic arts part on the top left Picture information
Image[1] Graphic arts part on the top right Picture information
Image[2] Graphic arts part on the bottom left Picture information
Image[3] Graphic arts part on the bottom right Picture information

Dat file
Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=BigLogo Image[0]=> big_logo.0.0 Image[1]=> big_logo.0.1 Image[2]=> big_logo.1.0 Image[3]=> big_logo.1.1

graphics file




Used in testing_page The names of the symbol objectslink


Logo Graphic arts in the welcoming window
Flags Graphic arts in the dialog 'linguistic settings'
NewWorld Graphic arts in the announcement window 'new map provide'
NewYear Graphic arts in the announcement window 'new year'
Builder Marking starting point by the distance construction
Passagiere Marking passengers
Post Marking post
Waren Marking goods
MessageOption Marking options in the option dialog of the dialog Mailbox


BusStop Station marking coach
TrainStop Station marking railway and streetcar
CarStop Station marking truck
ShipStop Station marking ship
AirStop Station marking airport
MonorailStop Station marking Monorail and maglev
TramStop Tab in Line management window
Electricity Marking electricity supply
InTown Marking in city (tourist purpose list)
Message Graphic arts in the announcement window with warning announcements



Dat files
Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=Logo Image[0]=> ls-symbols.2.4

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=Flags Image[0]=> ls-symbols.0.2

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=Message Image[0]=> ls-symbols.0.0

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=NewWorld Image[0]=> ls-symbols.0.3

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=NewYear Image[0]=> ls-symbols.0.4

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=Builder Image[0]=ls-symbols.0.5

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=InTown Image[0]=> ls-symbols.3.5

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=BusStop Image[0]=> ls-symbols.1.2

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=TrainStop Image[0]=> ls-symbols.1.1

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=CarStop Image[0]=> ls-symbols.1.0

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=ShipStop Image[0]=> ls-symbols.1.3

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=AirStop Image[0]=> ls-symbols.1.4

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=MonorailStop Image[0]=> ls-symbols.1.5

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=Electricity Image[0]=> ls-symbols.2.5

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=Passagiere Image[0]=> ls-symbols.2.0

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=Post Image[0]=> ls-symbols.2.1

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=Waren Image[0]=> ls-symbols.2.2

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=MessageOptions Image[0]=> ls-symbols.2.3

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=TramStop Image[0]=> ls-symbols.1.6

Copy to clipboard
Obj=symbol name=Seasons Image[3]=> ls-symbols.3.0 Image[0]=> ls-symbols.3.1 Image[1]=> ls-symbols.3.2 Image[2]=> ls-symbols.3.3

graphics file



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Seite zuletzt geändert: am Mittwoch Oktober 18, 2023 14:56:16 GMT-0000 von Frank.

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