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DAT parameters for Smokelink

Smoke are objects to represent vehicles and factories emissions.

The parameters and values are separated by = .
Example Value
obj object type smoke exactly this text
name smoke name diesel simple text
copyright creator name Myself simple text
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'obj' Parameterlink

This parameter defines the object type. For being smoke obligatory it's smoke.

'name' Parameterlink

This parameter is the name of the object. This name should not correspond with the name of an object file *.pak in the in-use pakset folder.
Used to show who made the object, generally the image. Use whatever you want to identify yourself, name or nickname.

PNG image for smokelink

Not only the PNG image must be created but parameters must be included in the DAT file so the game can understand it. More general info about the image creation can be viewed in Creating the PNG image.

Smoke for factorieslink

Factories may have two images, the smoke is used when the factory is consuming goods. While not producing no smoke is shown.
Example Value
Image[0] first image image_name.Y.X
Image[1] second image image_name.Y.X
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Smoke for vehicleslink

The vehicle emissions can be displayed with five different graphics that are displayed behind and above the moving vehicle. Hereby, graphic 0 is drawn next to the vehicle, graphic 5 is the last animation step.

Example Value
Image[0] first image - leaving exhaust pipe image_name.Y.X
Image[1] second image - just dispersing image_name.Y.X
Image[2] third image - dispersing image_name.Y.X
Image[3] fourth image - almost dispersed image_name.Y.X
Image[4] fifth image - practically dispersed image_name.Y.X
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Example for download: smoke_src.zip (1.87 Kb)
Clean. Use to edit.
Copy to clipboard
obj=smoke name= copyright= Image[0]=imagem.y.x Image[1]=imagem.y.x Image[2]=imagem.y.x Image[3]=imagem.y.x Image[4]=imagem.y.x

Coal smoke pak64
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Obj=smoke Name=Steam Image[0]=ls-smoke.1.0 Image[1]=ls-smoke.1.1 Image[2]=ls-smoke.1.2 Image[3]=ls-smoke.1.3 Image[4]=ls-smoke.1.4

Industrial smoke pak64
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Obj=smoke Name=Industry_Smoke Image[0]=ls-smoke.1.0

Diesel smoke pak64
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Obj=smoke Name=Diesel Image[0]=ls-smoke.0.0 Image[1]=ls-smoke.0.1 Image[2]=ls-smoke.0.2 Image[3]=ls-smoke.0.3 Image[4]=ls-smoke.0.4

Industrial fire pak64
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Obj=smoke Name=Industry_Fire Image[0]=ls-smoke.2.0 Image[1]=ls-smoke.2.1

Not used yet pak64
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Obj=smoke Name=Jet Image[0]=ls-smoke.3.0 Image[1]=ls-smoke.3.1 Image[2]=ls-smoke.3.2 Image[3]=ls-smoke.3.3 Image[4]=ls-smoke.3.4

Image for above DAT

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Contributors to this page: Frank , An_dz , IgorEliezer and system .
Page last modified on Sunday December 10, 2017 10:51:10 CET by Frank.

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