
Pedestrian parameters

DAT parameters for Pedestrianslink

Pedestrians are shown walking around cities and leaving stations and stops.

The parameters and values are separated by = .
Example Value
obj object type pedestrian exactly this text
name smoke name pedestrian_1  simple text
copyright creator name Myself simple text
DistributionWeight frequency it's shown number
from version 120.3 ( Makeobj 60.1 )
steps_per_frame animation speed number
from version 121.0 ( Makeobj 60.3 )
intro_month introduction month number
intro_year introduction year 1994  number
retire_month retirement month number
retire_year retirement year 2030  number

'obj' Parameterlink

This parameter defines the object type. For being a pedestrian obligatory it's pedestrian.

'name' Parameterlink

This parameter is the name of the object. This name should not correspond with the name of an object file *.pak in the in-use pakset folder.
Used to show who made the object, generally the image. Use whatever you want to identify yourself, name or nickname.

'DistributionWeight' Parameterlink

Determines the frequency the pedestrian will show walking in the streets, higher values means higher probability.

'intro_month' Parameterlink

Vehicle's introduction month, the month the pedestrians will start spawning in the cities. The number used is the corresponding month, 1 (one) for January and 12 (twelve) for December.

Default value if ommited is January.

'intro_year' Parameterlink

Vehicle's introduction year, or year the the pedestrians will start spawning in the cities. Number correspond with the year. Negative numbers are not allowed.

Default value if ommited is 0001.

'retire_month' Parameterlink

Vehicle's retirement month, the month the pedestrians will stop spawning in the cities. The number used is the corresponding month, 1 (one) for January and 12 (twelve) for December.

Default value if ommited is January.

'retire_year' Parameterlink

Vehicle's retirement year, or year the the pedestrians will stop spawning in the cities. Number correspond with the year. Negative numbers are not allowed.

This parameter is not obligatory, without it vehicle production will be forever.

PNG image for Pedestrianslink

Not only the PNG image must be created but parameters must be included in the DAT file so the game can understand it. More general info about the image creation can be viewed in Creating the PNG image.
Example Value
Image[S] going south image_name.Y.X
Image[N] going north image_name.Y.X
Image[E] going east image_name.Y.X
Image[W] going west image_name.Y.X
Image[SW] going southwest image_name.Y.X
Image[SE] going southeast image_name.Y.X
Image[NW] going northwest image_name.Y.X
Image[NE] going northeast image_name.Y.X
from version 120.3 ( Makeobj 60.1 )
Image[S][0] Animation graphic 1 for going south image_name.Y.X
Image[S][1] Animation graphic 2 for going south image_name.Y.X
Image[S][2] Animation graphic 3 for going south image_name.Y.X
Image[S][3] Animation graphic 4 for going south image_name.Y.X


Examples are modified versions from the pak64 open-source repository.
Clean. Use to edit.
Copy to clipboard
obj=pedestrian name= DistributionWeight= copyright= Image[S]=imagem.y.0 Image[E]=imagem.y.2 Image[SE]=imagem.y.4 Image[SW]=imagem.y.7 Image[N]=imagem.y.1 Image[W]=imagem.y.3 Image[NW]=imagem.y.5 Image[NE]=imagem.y.6

PNG Example image

Green and red dots show the places to place the pedestrians, being green the pedestrian front.

error Plugin Image
No image specified. One of the following parameters must be set: fileId, randomGalleryId, fgalId, attId or src.

Pedestrian_1 pak64
Copy to clipboard
obj=pedestrian name=pedestrian_1 DistributionWeight=3 Image[S]=pedestrians1.0.0 Image[E]=pedestrians1.0.2 Image[SE]=pedestrians1.0.4 Image[SW]=pedestrians1.0.7 Image[N]=pedestrians1.0.1 Image[W]=pedestrians1.0.3 Image[NW]=pedestrians1.0.5 Image[NE]=pedestrians1.0.6

PNG image pedestrian1.png

error Plugin Image
No image specified. One of the following parameters must be set: fileId, randomGalleryId, fgalId, attId or src.

Couple pak64
Copy to clipboard
obj=pedestrian name=Couple DistributionWeight=1 Image[S]=pedestrians2.0.0 Image[E]=pedestrians2.0.2 Image[SE]=pedestrians2.0.4 Image[SW]=pedestrians2.0.7 Image[N]=pedestrians2.0.1 Image[W]=pedestrians2.0.3 Image[NW]=pedestrians2.0.5 Image[NE]=pedestrians2.0.6

PNG image pedestrian2.png

error Plugin Image
No image specified. One of the following parameters must be set: fileId, randomGalleryId, fgalId, attId or src.

Pedestrian with dog pak64
Copy to clipboard
obj=pedestrian name=pedestrian_dog DistributionWeight=1 Image[S]=pedestrians_dog.0.0 Image[E]=pedestrians_dog.0.2 Image[SE]=pedestrians_dog.0.4 Image[SW]=pedestrians_dog.0.7 Image[N]=pedestrians_dog.0.1 Image[W]=pedestrians_dog.0.3 Image[NW]=pedestrians_dog.0.5 Image[NE]=pedestrians_dog.0.6

PNG image pedestrian_dog.png

error Plugin Image
No image specified. One of the following parameters must be set: fileId, randomGalleryId, fgalId, attId or src.

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Contributors to this page: Makie , Frank , An_dz , IgorEliezer and system .
Page last modified on Saturday December 21, 2019 14:31:19 GMT-0000 by Makie.

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