
Einstellungen Netzwerk

Parameter Netzwerklink

 ###################################network stuff##############################
# Synchronized networking is always a trade off between fast response and safe
# connections. A more relaxed timing will cause delay of commands but is more
# likely to compensate for clients running slightly faster than the rest.


 # Sets the local addresses Simutrans should listen on and use for making outgoing connections
# By default it will use all local IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
# This setting has no effect if Simutrans has been compiled with the USE_IP4_ONLY flag set!
# The addresses listed will be tried in the order specified
# A DNS name may be specified, this will be resolved and Simutrans will attempt to listen
# on all of the addresses returned.
#listen = ::,


 # How much delay before commands are executed on the clients.
# A larger number will catch even clients running slightly ahead but cause delay.
# This is set by the server side.
#server_frames_ahead = 4


 # How much extra delay in command execution on the client side, on top of server_frames_ahead.
# A larger number can compensate for larger fluctuations in communication latency to smooth out play.
# This is set by the client side.
#additional_client_frames_behind = 4


 # In network mode, there will be a fixed number of screen updates before a step.
# Reasonable values should result in 2-5 steps per second.
#server_frames_per_step = 4


 # The server sends after a fixed number of steps some information to the clients.
# Large values here means: reduced server communication (if that is of importance...)
# Small values should improve the timing of the clients.
#server_frames_between_checks = 24


 # Automatically announce server on the central server directory (
# 0 (default) = off, 1 = on
#server_announce = 0


 # Interval of server announcement (if enabled)
# Value is number of seconds between server announcements, default is 900 (15 minutes)
# Minimum value is 60 (1 minute), for accurate listing it is recommended not to increase
# this value to greater than 3600 (1 hour)
# To disable announcements set server_announce to 0
#server_announce_interval = 900


 # Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP address of your server (IPv6 or IPv4)
#server_dns =


 # Port address (usually set via command line)
#server_port = 13353


 # Name of server in server listing
#server_name = My Simutrans Server


 # Additional information about your server (for display on the list server)
#server_comments = Comments about my server


 # Email address of server maintainer (for display on the list server)
#server_email = maintainer@your.server


 # Pakset download URL (for display on the list server)
#server_pakurl = http://your.domain/


 # Server info URL (for display on the list server)
#server_infurl = http://your.domain/server-info.html


 # Pause server when no clients are connected
#pause_server_no_clients = 1


 # Server saves savegame when being killed (default=0 off)
#server_save_game_on_quit = 0


 # Nickname when joining network games
#nickname = John Doe


 # Chat window transparency (0=off, 25, 50 75 are possible)
chat_transparency = 75


 # Here you can add a message about your server (It will read this file on each joining anew)
#server_motd_filename =

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