
Misc. object parameters

Defining objects of type misclink

Apart from the major categories of objects that exist in the Simutrans world, there are also a few that come in too few varieties to warrant an object category. These are gathered in the object type misc. This page explains how to specify them.

The parameters and values are separated by '='. (22.12 Kb) contains the source files of the objects on this page


This is how you define the images that will be shown during construction of a building or industry etc.

obj object type misc exactly this text
Name object name Construction exactly this text
Image[0] General building picture information
Image[1] City Attraction (cur) picture information
Image[2] Countryside Attraction (cur) picture information
Image[3] Monument (mon) picture information
Image[4] Factory (factory) picture information
Image[5] City hall (tow) picture information
Image[6] Other picture information

Example of Construction objectlink

Dat file
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obj=misc Name=Construction Image[0]=baugrube.0.0 Image[1]=baugrube.0.1 Image[2]=baugrube.0.2 Image[3]=baugrube.0.3 Image[4]=baugrube.0.4 Image[5]=baugrube.0.5 Image[6]=baugrube.0.6

Graphics file



This is how you define the sidewalks that will be drawn next to city roads.
obj object type misc exactly this text
Name object name Sidewalk exactly this text
Image[0] flat tile picture information
Image[1] .. snow image picture information
Image[2] unused -
Image[3] North slope picture information
Image[4] .. snow image picture information
Image[5] .. transition image (at top snow, at bottom no snow) picture information
Image[6] West slope picture information
Image[7] .. snow image picture information
Image[8] .. transition image picture information
Image[9] East slope picture information
Image[10] .. snow image picture information
Image[11] .. transition image picture information
Image[12] South slope picture information
Image[13] .. snow image picture information
Image[14] .. transition image picture information

Snow and transition images are implemented in versions newer than 102.2.2 (svn revision 3194).

Example of Sidewalk objectlink

Dat file
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Obj=misc Name=Sidewalk Image[0]=ls-tiles.04 Image[1]=- Image[2]=- Image[3]=ls-tiles.0.2 Image[4]=- Image[5]=- Image[6]=ls-tiles.0.3 Image[7]=- Image[8]=- Image[9]=ls-tiles.0.1 Image[10]=- Image[11]=- Image[12]=ls-tiles.0.0

Graphics file



obj object type misc exactly this text
Name object name TunnelTexture exactly this text
Image[0] flat tile picture information
Image[1] unused -
Image[2] unused -
Image[3] North slope picture information
Image[4] unused -
Image[5] unused -
Image[6] West slope picture information
Image[7] unused -
Image[8] unused -
Image[9] East slope picture information
Image[10] unused -
Image[11] unused -
Image[12] South slope picture information

These graphics will be drawn under every tunnel way. Implemented in versions newer than 102.2.2 (svn revision 3290). Up to version 102.2.2 the sidewalk images were used instead.

Example of Tunnelground objectlink

Dat File
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Obj=misc Name=TunnelTexture Image[0]=ls-tiles.04 Image[1]=- Image[2]=- Image[3]=ls-tiles.0.2 Image[4]=- Image[5]=- Image[6]=ls-tiles.0.3 Image[7]=- Image[8]=- Image[9]=ls-tiles.0.1 Image[10]=- Image[11]=- Image[12]=ls-tiles.0.0

Graphics file


Transformer stationslink

This is how you define the transformer stations that needs to be built next to the power plants producing electricity and the industries that will consume that power.
obj object type misc exactly this text
Name object name PowerSource
exactly one of these texts:
PowerSource for the transformer station by the power producer.
PowerDest for the transformer station by the power consumer.
Image[0] Image without power picture information
Image[1] Image with power picture information
Image[2] Winter Image without power picture information
Image[3] Winter Image with power picture information
Image[4] Menu button picture information unused by PowerDest
Image[5] Mouse cursor picture information unused by PowerDest

Example of Transformer station objectslink

Dat file
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Obj=misc Name=PowerSource Image[0]=ls-power-land-trans.1.0 Image[1]=ls-power-land-trans.1.1

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Obj=misc Name=PowerDest Image[0]=ls-power-land-trans.0.0 Image[1]=ls-power-land-trans.0.1

Graphics file

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Zu dieser Seite haben beigesteuert: wlindley , Frank , IgorEliezer und system .
Seite zuletzt geändert: am Sonntag Mai 30, 2021 21:11:47 GMT-0000 von wlindley.

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