

Revenue sharing

In Simutrans-Standard, it is possible for players' convoys to travel over other players' ways. Payment for this is calculated either by reference to a proportion of that convoy's running costs (which are charged to the player running over the other player's way, and paid to that other player) and/or a percentage of the cost of the way on which it runs. It is not possible to apportion the revenue between different players.

In Simutrans-Extended, in addition to the two methods of charging for the use of other players' ways in Standard, it is also possible to apportion the revenue between players. So, for example, if player A's barge travels 50km on player A's canal in one trip, and 50km on player B's canal, and the revenue percentage is set to 50%, 25% of the revenue generated by that trip will be paid by player A to player B (50% of the revenue of 50% of the journey).

The aim of this feature is to simulate the way in which transport operators were in fact charged for using other transport operators' canals and railways in the 19th century, and to allow for players to build ways with the intention of letting other players use them, knowing that they will be able to share in the profits generated.

Access permissions

In Simutrans-Standard, players cannot connect to other players' ways. Players can connect to public ways, and can make their ways and stations public. Public ways and stations' maintenance costs are paid by the public service player, and can only be deleted by the public service player. Players can place gates on their ways to prevent access by other players at particular points. When connected, players can always send their convoys over other players' ways unless prevented from doing so by a gate.

In Simutrans-Extended, it is possible for players to give other players permission to access their ways. When a player is granted access, he or she may connect to the ways of the player who granted access, and send convoys over the ways of that player. If access is withdrawn, even a connected player is not able to send convoys over another player's ways, without the use of gates. Additionally (and optionally), private players can no longer pass off their ways and stations to be maintained at the public player's expense.

The aim of this feature is to make it easier to control which players access players' ways, and enable joint lines to be constructed between players without resort to using the public player.

Player colour saving

In Simutrans-Standard, players can change their colour, but this will not be saved with the game or transmitted over the network.

In Simutrans-Extended, the player colour is saved with a saved game and transmitted over the network.

The aim of this feature is to enable players to create a more distinctive identity in online games.

See also

Common causes of desyncs
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