
Beiträge zu en_FactoryDef (gegenwärtige Version)



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Autor Wörter Leerraum Zeichen Druckbare Zeichen
Benutzt Gelöscht Benutzt Gelöscht Benutzt Gelöscht Benutzt Gelöscht
wlindley 2816 (85.8%) 229 (82.4%) 2084 (87.9%) 96 (100.0%) 25149 (70.5%) 10212 (74.0%) 16463 (68.6%) 7250 (72.4%)
FrankP 449 (13.7%) 49 (17.6%) 285 (12.0%) 0 (0.0%) 9367 (26.3%) 3585 (26.0%) 6649 (27.7%) 2758 (27.6%)
Andarix 18 (0.5%) 0 (0.0%) 1 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 1163 (3.3%) 0 (0.0%) 894 (3.7%) 0 (0.0%)
Gesamt 3283 (100.0%) 278 (100.0%) 2370 (100.0%) 96 (100.0%) 35679 (100.0%) 13797 (100.0%) 24006 (100.0%) 10008 (100 %)


Simutrans version 110.0


Settings in the DAT files of industrieslink

The parameters and values are separated by '='.{TRAFD(fields=>3,filtervalue=>2)}{TRAFD}

Specifying the factory itselflink

obj object type factory exactly this text
name object name Used in testing_pageImage brewery plain text
copyright name of the creator plain text
Location Where to build the factory Used in testing_pageImage Land Land/City/Water
DistributionWeight The probability of selection as a supplier for end consumers / Frequency Used in sv_WayDefImage number
Productivity minimum output 320  number
Range production fluctuation Used in sv_WayDefImage 300  number
pax_level passenger level 35  number
BackImage Required factory graphic, see BackImage png_file filename
FrontImage Optional front graphic, see BackImage png_file filename
Smoke industrial emission Used in sv_VehicleDefImage Diesel Name of Smoke object
SmokeTile Tile, the starting point for the emissions coordinates marked Used in sv_VehicleDefImage 0,0  coordinates
SmokeOffset emissions position Used in sv_VehicleDefImage 24,-24  coordinates
SmokeSpeed emissions speed Used in sv_VehicleDefImage 16  number
InputGood0 type of incoming goods Used in sv_VehicleDefImage Oel(Oil) plain text
InputCapacity0 how much of this incoming goods can the factory store Used in sv_VehicleDefImage 1260  number
InputSupplier0 supplier number Used in sv_VehicleDefImage number
InputFactor0 Input factor in % Used in sv_VehicleDefImage 300  number
OutputGood0 type of output commodity Used in sv_VehicleDefImage Chemicals plain text
OutputCapacity0 how much of this output commodity can the factory store Used in sv_VehicleDefImage 150  number
OutputFactor0 Output factor in% Used in sv_VehicleDefImage 60  number
MapColor Factory symbol color Used in sv_VehicleDefImage {AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1", )} 28  Number from factory color palette
climates {AUTHOR}Climate zones{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1", )}
intro_month Month of Introduction Month as number
intro_year Year of Introduction 1955  Year as number
retire_month Month of Retirement Month as number
retire_year Year of Retirement 1982  Year as number

Specifying fields for the factory{AUTHOR}link{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1", )}

If the factory has outlying fields, these additional parameters specify how these fields behave.
{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1")} {AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="Andarix",visible="1")}{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="FrankP",deleted_by="Andarix",visible="1")}
max_fields maximal number of field tiles 36 {AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",deleted_by="wlindley",visible="1")}10 {AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1")} number
min_fields minimal number of field tiles 10 {AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",deleted_by="wlindley",visible="1")}36 {AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1")} number
production_per_field Production rate of a field tile number
probability_to_spawn Probability that a new field will be created when the factory is producing 10  number (100 represents a probability of 1%, 10000=100%)
fields Name of field kornfeld_1  must match existing field name

From version 110.0 (makeobj 51) on, more than one type of field may be specified for a factory, and furthermore fields will have storage capacity. This is how you will be able to specify that.
{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1")} {AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="Andarix",visible="1")}{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="FrankP",deleted_by="Andarix",visible="1")}
max_fields maximal number of field tiles 10  number
min_fields minimal number of field tiles 36  number
probability_to_spawn Probability that a new field will be created when the factory is producing 10  number (100 represents a probability of 1%, 10000=100%)
fieldsi Name of field no i (the first field is i=0!) kornfeld_1  must match existing field name
production_per_fieldi Production rate of a single square of field type i number
storage_capacityi Storage capacity of fields, will be distributed among all incoming and outgoing goods of the factory 100  number
spawn_weighti sets the likelihood that this type of field will be used 25  number
<a id="fieldshassnow_back"></a>has_snowi does this field have snow graphics <a href="en_FactoryDef#fieldshassnow">{AUTHOR}Used in sv_FactoryDefImage {AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1", )} 1 0 or 1

Specifying a field&nbsp;object{AUTHOR}link{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1", )}

In order for a factory to be able to use fields, the field objects themselves have to be defined. Use these parameters to define a field object.
{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1")} {AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="FrankP",deleted_by="wlindley",visible="1")}
obj {AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="FrankP",visible="1")}from{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",deleted_by="FrankP",visible="1")}object{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1")} {AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="FrankP",visible="1")}Ver.{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",deleted_by="FrankP",visible="1")}type{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1")} {AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="FrankP",visible="1")}112.0 {AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1")}{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="FrankP",visible="1")} {AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",deleted_by="FrankP",visible="1")} field {AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1")} exactly this text
{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="FrankP",visible="1")}start_fields{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",deleted_by="FrankP",visible="1")}name{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1")} {AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="FrankP",visible="1")}Number{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",deleted_by="FrankP",visible="1")}object name {AUTHOR}Image {AUTHOR(author="wlindley",deleted_by="FrankP",visible="1", )} grain field_1  plain text
copyright name{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1")} of {AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="FrankP",visible="1")}some{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",deleted_by="FrankP",visible="1")}the{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1")} {AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="FrankP",visible="1")}fields{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",deleted_by="FrankP",visible="1")}creator{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1")} {AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="FrankP",visible="1")}by createplain industry text
Image0 numberGraphics for winter without snow Picture information
Image1 Graphics for spring Picture information
Image2 Graphics for summer Picture information
Image3 Graphis for autumn Picture information
Image4 Graphics for winter with snow Picture information

The graphical representation is specified by the
<a href="en_BackImage" title="BackImage" class="wiki wiki_page">BackImage</a> parameters.

Parameters for permanent production increase (in version &gt;&nbsp;110.0.1)<a href="#Parameters_for_permanent_production_increase_in_version_REAL_GT_110.0.1_" class="heading-link"><span class="icon icon-link link" ><img src="img/icons/link.png" alt="link"></span></a>

Factories without fields can increase their production, too. The expansion happens when factory is producing, in a similar way to the creation of additional fields.
Applies only to factories without field definitions.
expand_probability probability to expand value larger than 10.000 means: always expand when producing number
expand_minimum minimal expansion of production number
expand_range additional production increase: random number between 0 and expand_range number
expand_times maximal number of times the production increases number

Parameters for production increase due to passenger, mail, and electricity supply (in version &gt;&nbsp;110.0.1)<a href="#Parameters_for_production_increase_due_to_passenger_mail_and_electricity_supply_in_version_REAL_GT_110.0.1_" class="heading-link"><span class="icon icon-link link" ><img src="img/icons/link.png" alt="link"></span></a>

electricity_boost Increase of production in permill if electricity is supplied default: 1000  number
electricity_amount Max electricity per production unit consumption default: 65535 number
passenger_demand Demand on passengers per production unit and time default: 65535 number
mail_demand Demand on mail per production unit and time default: 65535 number
passenger_boost Increase of production in permill if passengers arrived default: 0 number
mail_boost Increase of production in permill if mail arrived default: 0 number

If passenger_demand/mail_demand parameters are not specified (or set to 65535) then passenger_demand = pax_level, mail_demand = pax_level / 4 is taken. See also
<a class="wiki external" target="_blank" title="External link" href="" rel="external nofollow">Forum thread</a>

Specifying a field&nbsp;object<a href="#Specifying_a_field_object" class="heading-link"><span class="icon icon-link link" ><img src="img/icons/link.png" alt="link"></span></a>

In order for a factory to be able to use fields, the field objects themselves have to be defined. Use these parameters to define a field object.
obj object type field exactly this text
name object name <a href="en_FactoryDef#name"><img src="dl2421?display" loading="lazy" width="10" height="13" alt="Used in testing_page" class="regImage pluginImg2421 img-fluid" data-src="dl2421?display" />{AUTHOR}Image grain field_1  plain text
copyright name of the creator plain text
Image0 Graphics for winter without snow Picture information
Image1 Graphics for spring Picture information
Image2 Graphics for summer Picture information
Image3 Graphis for autumn Picture information
Image4 Graphics for winter with snow Picture information

Graphics parameterlink

The graphical representation is specified by the
BackImage parameters.


Detailed Explanations{TRAFD(fields=&gt;3,filtervalue=&gt;4)}{TRAFD}<a href="#TRAFD_fields_REAL_GT_3_filtervalue_REAL_GT_4_TRAFD_" class="heading-link">{AUTHOR}link

Top{TRAFD(fields=>3{ALINK(aname=anfang)}{TRAFD(fields=&gt;3,{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="FrankP",deleted_by="FrankP",visible="1")}filtervalue=>1)}{TRAFD}{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="FrankP",visible="1")}{AUTHOR(author="FrankP",visible="1", )}{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",deleted_by="FrankP",visible="1")}filtervalue=&gt;1)}{ALINK}{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1")}

{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1", )}

{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="FrankP",visible="1")}Used in testing_page{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",deleted_by="FrankP",visible="1")}Image{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1")} The Parameter&nbsp;name{AUTHOR}link{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1", )}


This parameter determines the name of the object. It should not coincide with a name of the files {AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="FrankP",visible="1")}object.*.pak{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",deleted_by="FrankP",visible="1")}object.*.pak{AUTHOR}{AUTHOR(author="wlindley",visible="1")} in the used pakset folder.

<a href="en_FactoryDef#name1">back</a>

<a id="location"></a>

Used in testing_pageImage The Parameter&nbsp;Location<a href="#The_Parameter_Location" class="heading-link"><span class="icon icon-link link" ><img src="img/icons/link.png" alt="link"></span></a>

This parameter determines the construction site for the industry. Following values are permitted:
  • Land - built in countryside. Note, Location=Land with climates=water will force an industry on the shore.countryside
  • City - built within city limits
  • Water - built on an open surface of water

from Version 120.4.1 ( Makeobj 60.2 )
  • river - one tile of factory adjacent to river tile ( ignored if there are no rivers on the map )
  • shore - one tile of factory on a sloped shore tile
  • forest - more than X trees on the tiles covered by the factory, X=area of factory ( ignored if there are no forests on the map )

<a href="en_FactoryDef#location1">back</a>

<a id="DW"></a>

Used in sv_WayDefImage The Parameter&nbsp;DistributionWeight<a href="#The_Parameter_DistributionWeight" class="heading-link"><span class="icon icon-link link" ><img src="img/icons/link.png" alt="link"></span></a>


The parameter describes
bragsdetermines the chance, how often the object appears. The greater thethis value, the more often appears the object appears.object.

The highest value amounts to 127.

End consumers are industries that only require incoming goods, but produce no goods themselves.

<a href="en_FactoryDef#DW_back">back</a>

<a id="range"></a>

Used in sv_WayDefImage The Parameter&nbsp;Range<a href="#The_Parameter_Range" class="heading-link"><span class="icon icon-link link" ><img src="img/icons/link.png" alt="link"></span></a>

This parameter indicates the range, in which the actual production rate of the industry lies.
  • minimal production rate = value " ' 'Productivity"''
  • maximal production rate = value " ' 'Productivity" ' ' + value " ' 'Range"''

The actual production rate of the industry can be further increased by supplying power, passengers, and mail (see above).

<a href="en_FactoryDef#range1">back</a>

<a id="smoke"></a>

Used in sv_VehicleDefImage Parameters specifying the factory&nbsp;emissions<a href="#Parameters_specifying_the_factory_emissions" class="heading-link"><span class="icon icon-link link" ><img src="img/icons/link.png" alt="link"></span></a>

These parameters determine the emission of the industry. The parameters have following meaning:
  • Smoke - determines the kind of emission
    • The names of Smoke specified in the smoke.*.pak.pak~045 files can be used as values
  • SmokeTile - specifies which tile's front corner is the starting point for the emission
  • SmokeOffset - specifies the actual point of emission as offset from the starting point
    • the first value gives the x-Positionx-Position
    • the second value gives the y-Positiony-Position, this value is lowered by 100
  • SmokeSpeed - specifies the emission speed

<a href="en_FactoryDef#smoke1">back</a>

<a id="input"></a>

Used in sv_VehicleDefImage Parameters specifying goods used as raw material for the&nbsp;factory<a href="#Parameters_specifying_goods_used_as_raw_material_for_the_factory" class="heading-link"><span class="icon icon-link link" ><img src="img/icons/link.png" alt="link"></span></a>

These parameters specify which raw materials the industry needs to produce. All the four parameters are required for each type of goods that the industry requires; and each set of parameters is associated with an index number given within square brackets, starting from 0. In the examples given below x is used as the index, but this MUST be replaced by the relevant index number.

  • InputGoodx - gives the name, which must match an existing type of goods
  • InputCapacityx - how much of the goods that can be stored at the industry
  • InputSupplierx - specifies the number of suppliers
    • Value = 0 - each industry, which delivers the desired goods is selected as a supplier
    • Value &gt;> 0 - this number of suppliers will be built. If there already exists suitable suppliers, only the surplus number is built
  • InputFactorx - sets the relationship (percentage) between raw materials consumed (input) and commodities produced (output)
    • Value = 200: two tons of raw materials are needed to produce one ton of commodity
    • Value = 50: half a ton of raw materials are needed to produce one ton of commodity

<a href="en_FactoryDef#input1">back</a>

<a id="output"></a>

Used in sv_VehicleDefImage Parameters specifying the output commodities produced by the&nbsp;factory<a href="#Parameters_specifying_the_output_commodities_produced_by_the_factory" class="heading-link"><span class="icon icon-link link" ><img src="img/icons/link.png" alt="link"></span></a>

These parameters specify the goods manufactured by the industry. All three parameters are required for each type of goods that the industry produces; and each set of parameters is associated with an index number given within square brackets, starting from 0. In the examples given below x is used as the index, but this MUST be replaced by the relevant index number.

  • OutputGoodx - gives the name, which must match an existing type of goods
  • OutputCapacityx - how much of the goods that can be stored at the industry
  • OutputFactorx - sets the relationship (percentage) between raw materials consumed (input) and commodities produced (output)
    • Value = 200: one ton of raw materials are needed to produce two tons of commodity
    • Value = 50: one ton of raw materials are needed to produce half a ton of commodity
<a href="en_FactoryDef#output1">back</a>

<a id="mapcolor"></a>

Used in sv_VehicleDefImage The Parameter&nbsp;MapColor<a href="#The_Parameter_MapColor" class="heading-link"><span class="icon icon-link link" ><img src="img/icons/link.png" alt="link"></span></a>

These colors are used to draw the industries on the mini-map.

Color table<a href="#Color_table" class="heading-link"><span class="icon icon-link link" ><img src="img/icons/link.png" alt="link"></span></a>

{INCLUDE(page=&gt;FactoryColor ,start=&gt;      ,stop=&gt;     )}{INCLUDE}

(note: The RGB values for these colors are computed from values in the special_pal array in in the source)

<a href="en_FactoryDef#mapcolor1">back</a>

<a id="fieldshassnow"></a>

Used in sv_FactoryDefImage The Parameter&nbsp;has_snow<a href="#The_Parameter_has_snow" class="heading-link"><span class="icon icon-link link" ><img src="img/icons/link.png" alt="link"></span></a>

The parameter has_snow must be set in every factory definition to enable the fields attached to that factory to use the snow graphics.

<a href="en_FactoryDef#fieldshassnow_back">back</a>

Building a factory on the&nbsp;shore<a href="#Building_a_factory_on_the_shore" class="heading-link"><span class="icon icon-link link" ><img src="img/icons/link.png" alt="link"></span></a>

Factory on a shore

Copy to clipboard

the factory will be built only on the shore line.

<a href="en_FactoryDef#tiki_top">Top{AUTHOR}{TRAFD(fields=>3,filtervalue=>1)}{TRAFD}{AUTHOR(author="FrankP",visible="1")}</a>

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