
pak128.German Industry Chains

Industry chains Pak128 Germanlink

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Current information about the factories can be found here: Database of factoryslink


german english accepts supplies
Kohlemine Coal-mine Coal
Fernheizkraftwerk Far heating plant Coal or Oil Electricity
Kohlekraftwerk Coal Powerplant Coal Electricity
Abfall-Sammelstelle Waste collection point Waste
Abfallkraftwerk Garbage-incineration plant Waste Electricity
Biomassekraftwerk Biomass Powerplant Waste Electricity


german english accepts supplies
Ölfeld Ölbohrinsel Oilfield Oil
Kalibergwerk Potash mine Potash
Chemiewerk Chemical plant Oil Potash Chemicals Printer ink Varnish
Pharmawerk Pharmaceutical firm Chemicals Medicals
Apotheke Pharmacy, Apothecary Shop Medicals
Raffinerie Refinery Oil Petrol diesel Plastic PE-Pellets
Tankstelle Gasstation Petrol Diesel


german english accepts supplies
Wald Forest Wood
Sägewerk Sawmill Wood Planks
Möbelfabrik, Möbeltischlerei Furniture Factory, Cabinet Maker's Planks Varnish Furniture
Möbelhaus Furniture Shop (highlands only) Furniture


german english accepts supplies
Papierfabrik Papermill Wood Paper
Druckerei Printery Paper Printer ink Books
Buchladen Bookstore (highlands only) Books
Kaufhaus Warehouse Books,Beer,Bakery,Clothes etc.
Einkaufszentrum Shoppingmall Books,Beer,Bakery,Clothes,Furnitures etc.
Supermärkte Supermarket Books,Milk,Beer,Clothes,Fruits etc.


german english accepts supplies
Erzbergwerk Ore mine Iron
Schrottplatz Scrap-yard Scrap
Kokerei Cookery Plant Coal Coke
Stahlwerk Steelmill (coke) Iron Coke Scrap Steel
Stahlwerk Steelfactory Iron Coal Scrap Steel
Kfz-Fabrik Car Factory Steel Plastic Petrol Diesel Cars
(VW)Autohaus VW-Car Dealer, Car Store Cars


german english accepts supplies
Steinbruch,Kieswerk, Kiesgrube Quarry,Bulk factory, Gravelpit Stones
Baggersee, Sandgrube Diggerlake ,Sandpit Sand
Zementwerk Cement-Factory Stones Sand (modern +PE-pellets) Concrete
Betonwerk Concrete Factory Stones Sand Concrete Concrete components
Lagerhalle Building-supplies Store Concrete Concrete components Varnish Machines
Baumarkt DIY-store, Building-supplies Store Concrete Concrete components Varnish Machines Planks


german english accepts supplies
Glashütte, Glasfabrik Glass Factory Sand Coal Glass
Kamerahersteller Camera Manufactory Glass Steel Plastic Cameras

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