Linking of sites


For security reasons, only selected users have access rights for the processing of the structures.

Write an entry herelink-external in the International Forum.
The following information is required:
  • Page Name
  • Viewed Page Name
  • Position where the page is to be inserted

Alternatively, this information may be written at the top purely on dden pages. When the integration is then carried out, which is then removed.


TikiWiki linking pageslink

Icon Image ( Wiki Link ) in the top toolbar.

syntax: ((file name|link description))

Filename = exact name of the page
link description = a somewhat more detailed description (all characters are allowed)

For words that are not intended to replace uppercase link ( behind ? ) or the hyphen by the special character encodinglink-external . (no longer needed due to changed settings)

The filenames for English pages en_ prefixing.

code: ((en_tikiwiki_help_quicktags|Quicktags))
display: Quicktags

Notice: In the preview, these links are sometimes not clickable, so save the page and then check the link again.


Linking to label another wiki pagelink

Icon Image in the top toolbar.

syntax: ((file name|#jump label|link description))

file name = the exact site name
jump label = what is behind the # at display (status bar browser / browser address bar)
link description = a somewhat more detailed description (all characters are allowed)

code: ((en_tikiwiki_help_quicktags|#middle_bar|Quicktags - middle bar))
display: Quicktags - middle bar

Notice: All headings are also jump targets. Here, spaces are replaced by the 'underscore character _ .
Insert for the exact spelling of a site navigation (icon Image bottom toolbar) and copy over the preview the link.

old version
[tiki-index.php?page=page name#jump label |link description ]

The partial page name #jump label copy best from the address bar of the browser.


Linking within a pagelink

Insert jump destination with icon Image Anchor Name in the top toolbar.
syntax: {ANAME()}marking{ANAME}

Link to the jump target insert with Icon Image Anchor Link in the top toolbar.
code: {ALINK(aname=marking)}link description{ALINK}

As link label graphics can be fn_01.gif ( Used in testing_page ) to fn_12.gif ( Used in en_tikiwiki_help_linking ) used.

The inclusion of graphics is done with the following lines:

fn_01.gif - fn_09.gif
{img src=img/wiki_up/fn_01.gif width=10 height=13 }
fn_10.gif - fn_12.gif
{img src=img/wiki_up/fn_10.gif width=16 height=13 }

Quicktags - Used in testing_page / Used in en_tikiwiki_help_quicktags and file name fn_xx adjust accordingly


Linking external pageslink

Icon Image ( External Link ) on the top toolbar.

syntax: [external link|link description]

external link = the full link
link description = a somewhat more detailed description (all characters are allowed)

code: [|int. Forum]
display: int. Forumlink-external


More pageslink

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