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Settings in the DAT files of tunnellink


tunnel_src.zip (13.10 Kb) {TRAFD(fields=>9,filtervalue=>7)}{TRAFD}

Tunnel until version

Makeobj 39

Until version there were only 2 types of tunnel; One for rail and for a road. The names were predefined.

obj Kind of object tunnel this text exactly
name Name of the object RailTunnel
this text exactly
Version 0.99.01 freely selectable
cursor Mouse cursor at Tunnel selection Image reference
icon Button in the menu Image indication Parameter and image information separated by '=> '.
BackImage[N] Background image suspended for the north slopes Image reference
FrontImage[N] Foreground image for the north slopes Image reference
BackImage[S] Background image for the south slopes Image reference
FrontImage[S] Foreground image for the south slopes Image reference
BackImage[E] Background image for the east slopes Image reference
FrontImage[E] Foreground image for the east slopes Image reference
BackImage[W] Background image for the west slopes Image reference
FrontImage[W] Foreground image for the west slopes Image reference
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Example of a road tunnel

Grafics file tunnel-road.png


Dat file tunnel_road.dat
Copy to clipboard
obj=tunnel name=RoadTunnel copyright=MHz BackImage[N]=tunnel-road.1.0 FrontImage[N]=tunnel-road.0.0 BackImage[W]=tunnel-road.1.1 FrontImage[W]=tunnel-road.0.1 BackImage[S]=tunnel-road.0.2 FrontImage[S]=tunnel-road.2.2 BackImage[E]=tunnel-road.2.2 FrontImage[E]=tunnel-road.0.3 icon=> tunnel-road.1.2 cursor=tunnel-road.1.3


Tunnel version 0.99.01link

Makeobj 41

From version 0.99.01 Simutrans supports tunnels for all transport routes. There are also several types of road tunnel. The name of the tunnel is now freely selectable.

There are also following parameters:

intro_month Month of introduction Month as a number
intro_year Year of introduction 1955  Year as a number
retire_month Month by the end of Availability Month as a number
retire_year Year by the end of Availability 1982  Year as a number
waytype Type of tunnel Used in testing_page road exactly waytype text
cost Cost per field 7500  Number in 1/100 Cr without separator
maintenance Monthly maintenance cost per field 700  Number in 1/100 Cr without separator
topspeed Maximum speed in km/h 60  Number
ab Ver. 0.102.2 Makeobj 50
way Image of tunnels underground Used in testing_page existing way object
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Winter graphics version 0.99.06link

Makeobj 43

From version 0.99.06 for winter snow tunnel graphics can be specified. These will appear when the tile on which the tunnel is located is snowy.

The images to be used need to be specified as follows:

    Annual Graphics   
Snow Graphics
BackImage[N][0] BackImage[N][1]
FrontImage[N][0] FrontImage[N][1]
BackImage[S][0] BackImage[S][1]
FrontImage[S][0] FrontImage[S][1]
BackImage[E][0] BackImage[E][1]
FrontImage[E][0] FrontImage[E][1]
BackImage[W][0] BackImage[W][1]
FrontImage[W][0] FrontImage[W][1]
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Graphics file tunnel-road.png

The graphics for the same year, and snow view.
 Sample Dat file tunnel_road_v99-06.dat
Copy to clipboard
obj=tunnel name=RoadTunnel_1 copyright=MHz waytype=road topspeed=60 cost=87000 maintenance=5000 intro_year=1870 retire_year=1960 icon=> tunnel-road.1.2 cursor=tunnel-road.1.3 BackImage[N][0]=tunnel-road.1.0 FrontImage[N][0]=tunnel-road.0.0 BackImage[W][0]=tunnel-road.1.1 FrontImage[W][0]=tunnel-road.0.1 BackImage[S][0]=tunnel-road.0.2 FrontImage[S][0]=tunnel-road.2.2 BackImage[E][0]=tunnel-road.2.2 FrontImage[E][0]=tunnel-road.0.3 #Wintergrafiken BackImage[N][1]=tunnel-road.1.0 FrontImage[N][1]=tunnel-road.0.0 BackImage[W][1]=tunnel-road.1.1 FrontImage[W][1]=tunnel-road.0.1 BackImage[S][1]=tunnel-road.0.2 FrontImage[S][1]=tunnel-road.2.2 BackImage[E][1]=tunnel-road.2.2 FrontImage[E][1]=tunnel-road.0.3


Tunnel portals over two or three tiles (for versions > 102.2.2)link

Makeobj 51

BackImage[Nl] Background image for the north slopes, Portal left part Image reference
BackImage[Nm] Background image for the north slopes, Portal middle part Image reference
BackImage[Nr] Background image for the north slopes, Portal right part Image reference
FrontImage[Nl] Foreground image for the north slopes, Portal left part Image reference
FrontImage[Nm] Foreground image for the north slopes, Portal middle part Image reference
FrontImage[Nr] Foreground image for the north slopes, Portal right part Image reference
Images for the other slopes can be defined analogously
Summer/Winter images can be defined in addition with [0]/[1]
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Detailed Explanationslink

Used in testing_page The parameters waytypelink

The parameter specifies the type of the tunnel.

road Road
track Rail
monorail_track Monorail
maglev_track Maglev
water Canal
power Power from Ver. 0.111.3
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Used in testing_page The parameter waylink

This parameter determines what way images are displayed for the tunnel way underground. Here, an existing way-object must be provided ( way.*.pak ). The value of the parameter must be the name of the way.


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Contributors to this page: Frank , IgorEliezer and system .
Page last modified on Wednesday October 18, 2023 16:56:16 CEST by Frank.

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