
Goods network


There are different kinds of goods, which depends in your pak(s). Usually, the goods are coal, oil and other known goods. To transport goods, you must use your vehicles (trucks, trains, airplanes) to travel one factory to another.


There are a lot of factories. They usually need some goods (starting from fossil fuels or others like oil, sand, etc) to produce another good(s) (like glass, etc). By transporting goods, a factory can produce a number of good(s) that is needed for any another factories. (For example: Coal + Sand -> Glass -> Brewery)

The rate of production depends on the units. Units from 100 - around 1000 will produce lower numbers of good(s). While units from around 4000 - 9999 will get higher numbers of good(s) but this results in overcrowding in any stations. To solve this problem, you either add more good(s) spaces in your stations, extend the network to other factories in need of good(s) or extend your train.

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