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Additional add-on files are available for Simutrans. The add-ons can either be used directly in the game (*.pak files) or are available as source files (*.png and *.dat files).

Note: Add-ons are created for a certain graphic size. Only paksets with matching graphic size should be used.

Getting addonslink

Note: The following list may be incomplete. For a more comprehensive list you can navigate the Add-ons Link Directory.

Here is a list of Simutrans related sites where you can download add-ons. Take in mind that some of them could be no longer available (that is usually the case for old forum addons):

Unavailable addonslink

These sites used to host addons but are no longer available:


Pak files only need to be copied into the folder of the pakset used. After restarting Simutrans, the add-ons are then included in the game.

Starting from Version 0.102.2 is now possible to put additional pak files in an extra location. To do this, create a new folder with the same name as the pakset in the following folder (create it again if it does not already exist):

  • Windows: "My Documents\simutrans\addons"
  • Linux: "~ /simutrans /addons"

Now put additional files there. From now on you will be asked at startup whether the additional pak files should be loaded.

Starting from version 0.103 translation files for these add-ons can also be stored here. See Translation and Texts.

Creating addonslink

Pak files must first be created with from source files (*.png *.dat) with the program MakeObjectlink-external. See also Creating Simutrans objects.

Passing addonslink

When using add-ons, it is necessary to specify them when passing on saved games. It is better to add the addons to the game status.
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Contributors to this page: Roboron3042 .
Page last modified on Friday September 10, 2021 00:00:23 CEST by Roboron3042.

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