
Einstellungen in der

Die Datei befindet sich im Ordner simutrans/config.

Ab Version 0.99.08 befindet sich die im Ordner simutrans/pakset/config.



 #how far cities should be minimum apart (default 16)
 minimum_city_distance = 32

bestimmt den minimalen Abstand von Städten


ab Version 0.99.13
 # chance for renovation versus new building (bigger number => less sprawling)
 renovation_percentage = 12

Der Parameter beeinflusst die Stadtentwicklung.

neue Gebäude bauen - bestehende Gebäude ersetzen


ab Version 0.100.0
 # if the area covered by buldings is less than this, the city borders will not increase => more compact cities,
 # not fading out along a single street (default: 25) 
 minimum_building_desity = 25


 # at which number of inhabitants we need a new market?
 industry_increase_every = 2000

legt fest, bei welchen Einwohnerzahlen Stadtgeschäfte gebaut werden
0 = keine Stadtgeschäfte
Zahl = wenn diese Einwohnerzahl erreicht wird, wird ein Stadtgeschäft gebaut
weitere Stadtgeschäfte werden nach jeder Verdoppelung der Einwohnerzahl gebaut
bei Einstellung von 2000 also das 2. bei 4000, das 3. bei 8000, dann bei 16000 usw

Ersetzung Stadtgebäude durch anderen Typlink

 # relative affinities for certain building types which can lead to clustering of certain building types

 # avoid building next to industry
 res_start_score = 0
 res_near_ind = -8
 res_near_com = 4
 res_near_res = 8

 # everywhere is good, next to com best
 com_start_score = -10
 com_near_ind = 4
 com_near_com = 8
 com_near_res = 4

 # next to res means expensive filters and no truck after 10 pm => avoid this ...
 ind_start_score = -5
 ind_near_ind = 8
 ind_near_com = -2
 ind_near_res = -8


 # Symbols in rules: 
 # S = must not be road
 # s = must be road
 # n = must be bare land
 # H = must not be house
 # h = must be house
 # T = not a stop	// added in 88.03.3
 # t = is a stop // added in 88.03.3 
 # U = allowed slope for roads // added in 99.13
 # u = forbidden slope for roads // added in 99.13
 # . = anything matches
 # SPACE = next row
 # Each row must have EXACTLY the same number of members!

# Haus am Strassenrand

house_1 = ... Hn. sss

house_1.chance = -2

# Haus am Strassenrand

house_2 = ... .nH sss

house_2.chance = -2

# Haus an der Ecke

house_3 = ... .ns .ss

house_3.chance = -7

# Haus an der Ecke

house_4 = ... sn. ss.

house_4.chance = -7

# fehlendes Haus vom Block

house_5 = .h. hns .sH

house_5.chance = -7

# fehlendes Haus vom Block

house_6 = .h. snh Hs.

house_6.chance = -7

# Haus "mittendrin"

house_7 = .h. hnh .s.

house_7.chance = -7

# House in an empty area in between houses

house_8 = hhh hnh ...

house_8.chance = -7

# House in an empty area in between houses

house_9 = ... hnh ...

house_9.chance = -7

# House in an empty area in between houses

house_10 = ... snh ...

house_10.chance = -7

# Strassenende weiterbauen

road_1 = .H. SnS .sS

road_1.chance = 8

# Strassenende weiterbauen

road_2 = .H. .n. SsS

road_2.chance = 4

# Strassenende weiterbauen

road_3 = ... SnS SsS

road_3.chance = -2

# Lücke schließen

road_4 = .h. hns .sh

road_4.chance = 2

# Lücke schließen

road_5 = .h. snh hs.

road_5.chance = 2

# Einmuendung in Natur

road_6 = .H. nnn sss

road_6.chance = 3

# Einmuendung in Natur

road_7 = SHS nnn sss

road_7.chance = -1

# Einmuendung zwischen 2 Häusern

road_8 = .H. hnh sss

road_8.chance = -5


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